Comodo Dragon 55 Portable Torrent
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Comodo Dragon is a powerful browser based on Chromium, the source code for Google Chrome. It is fast, dynamic and has many opportunities to make online surfing more secure.
First Priority: Online Security
Comodo Dragonis is more than just a “copy” of Chrome only. He has someVery useful features and many security options. During the installation, for example programaay allows you to add Comodo SecureDNS, providing secure web surfing and access to high-risk limits.
TheWebInspector browser includes online services, a tool that checks securityOur site, and Privdog, block ads, cookies, trackers and widgets of third parties.
In addition, Comodo Dragon also comes with a media downloader for downloading videos online for free and a feature to instantly share web content with your Facebook account, Twitter and LinkedIn membership.
She alsoHas interesting features for searching and sharing onlinehet. You can select text and then drag it to the address bar to launch a search in Google, Google Images, Google Translate, YouTube or Wikipedia. You can also share links and content on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, LinkedIn, or simply by dragging and droppingIn the left part of the browser.
Such as Google Chrome, Comodo Dragon creates an open hiwalayprosesovoor every tab, including social bookmarking sites, and has a home page with samples of the most visited sites, as well as the ability to create private. Comodo Dragon also supports the installedChrome extension.
Elegant design
Opwat as use, Comodo Dragon is not much different from Chrome. Design elegant Simpleand with a predominance of dark tones. In kabilabanda, it looks stronger than in the Google browser.
The Tools menu is on the left side (not right, as in Chrome). Next to the address,Buttons Privdog, WebInspector PartMedia-Downloader and find.
Such as chrome, but more
The developer of the slogan becomes clear that “safer and faster version of Chrome” And now, Comodo Dragon is iingatpangako it.
The browser is fast, but more importantly, it is very cautious when it comes to privacyAnd network security. Pre-installed plug-ins are very effective, and reizenSecureDNS is incredibly useful for blocking sites with a high risk of malicious programs and other Internet threats.
Browser Comodo Dragon is ideal if you are looking for something a little more advanced,Than Google Chrome in terms of features. It is ideal for those who want more security while surfing surfing the Internet.

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